Benefits of “radish”, a vegetable high in vitamin C

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Revealing the benefits and properties of radishes or Chinese radishes, which are high in vitamin C and help fight colds, and some precautions: Who shouldn’t touch them?

Radish or Chinese radish generally comes in many colors, such as white, red, purple, pink, but the most popular and familiar color in Thailand is white. The nutritional value per 100 grams is 43 milligrams of calcium, 20 milligrams of phosphorus, 4 micrograms of iodine, 0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.02 milligrams of vitamin B2, 0.5 milligrams of niacin, and up to 26 milligrams of vitamin C. It is popularly use in various dishes, such as stir-fried radish with eggs, stewed Chinese cabbage, pork bone radish soup, or pickled radish eaten with Korean food.

Radish is high in vitamin C, which helps in the process of white blood cells eliminating germs, strengthening the immune system, helping to fight allergies, and reducing irritation of the respiratory tract lining.

Radish properties

  • Helps stimulate appetite
  • Helps digestion
  • Helps to relieve constipation
  • Antifungal properties
  • Helps reduce blood sugar
  • Helps stimulate the flow of bile
  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-cancer
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Can be crushed and applied to burns and scalds.

There are also many other pharmaceutical studies abroad. Such as substances extracted from white radish with alcohol, which were found to have antibacterial properties. Especially being sensitive to gram-positive bacteria. White radish seeds also have antibacterial properties, with Raphanin in the seeds, at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, clearly inhibiting Staphylococcus and Colibacillus.

Precautions for eating radishes

  • Since Amylase is not heat-resistant. It will be destroyed at 70 degrees Celsius. Also, vitamin C is not heat-resistant, so it is better to eat radishes raw to get more nutrients than eating them cooked.
  • It is a food plant which is high in nitrate, so it may cause cancer if eaten in large amounts. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation. There are no reports of appetite stimulants. Although it is generally safe, it should be eaten in moderation and alternate with other vegetables.
  • Radish contains allyl isothiocyanate and thioglycoside, which can cause allergic skin rashes.
  • People who have spleen deficiency, which means they have frequent bloating and tightness in their stomach, food that is difficult to digest, and a lot of gas in their stomach, should not eat cabbage.
  • People with hypothyroidism should not eat cabbage because cabbage contains goitrogens that can block the thyroid gland’s ability to absorb iodine, which can lead to goiter.
  • People who are weak, exhausted and have asthma, when eating mustard seeds, will make asthma worse. Also, people who are weak and have low blood should not eat mustard seeds and leaves.
  • Cabbage has a cooling effect. So it should not be consumed together. With hot herbs such as ginseng or dong quai, as they may counteract each other, resulting in the herbs not working as well as they should.

People with chronic diseases should always consult a doctor before using radish for treatment. However, it should be eaten properly and alternate with other vegetables to increase variety. Don’t forget to eat it with meat and carbohydrates for complete nutrition.