Brain-nourishing food for the elderly

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Nowadays, there are quite a few elderly people who suffer from dementia, which is a result of many factors. What are some brain-boosting foods for the elderly that can help them avoid these brain conditions?

What is dementia?

Dementia in the elderly is a group of symptoms that have abnormalities in brain function, resulting in decreased intellectual ability, difficulty thinking or remembering, forgetfulness, abnormal language use, and changes in behavior and mood. It can be caused by many factors. The elderly have a higher chance of suffering from dementia as they age, such as:

  • Over 65 years old, the incidence of dementia patients is 5-8 percent.
  • Age over 85 years, found 30 percent
  • Age 90 years and over, found as high as 50 percent

The incidence of dementia increases with age. Therefore, choosing the right foods is another way to reduce the risk of dementia.

Brain food for the elderly

Children or those who have to take care of the elderly should pay attention and choose brain-nourishing foods for the elderly that contain these nutrients and vitamins to reduce the risk of dementia, including:

1. Vitamin B

The efficient functioning of the body’s central nervous system depends on a regular intake of nutrients, especially vitamins B6 and B12. We often find that older people are deficient in vitamin B12 because their bodies have a harder time absorbing vitamin B12 from food. Brain function is therefore affected. Vitamins B6 and 12 are found in meat, eggs, and milk. Vitamin B9 (folate) is often found in grains, dried beans, and soy products such as soy milk and tofu.

enefits of Vitamin B: Vitamin B is a substance that helps nourish the nerves, helps with memory, prevents Alzheimer’s disease and helps nourish other nervous systems of the body to work efficiently. Vitamin B6 also helps enhance the absorption of amino acids, ufabet which are important foundations of protein to strengthen the nervous system and brain.

2. Omega 3

Can be found in deep-sea fish such as salmon, mackerel, king mackerel, white pomfret, cottonfish, sea bass, etc.

Benefits of Omega 3: From deep-sea fish, these fish contain essential fatty acids in sufficient quantities to help strengthen the nervous system and brain, help with memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps nourish the heart and joints.

3. Antioxidant group

For example, vitamin C and vitamin E include foods such as green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits, citrus fruits, especially berries which are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, brown rice or parboiled rice which has vitamin B complex, vitamin E and other minerals, all of which are nutrients that can fight free radicals.

Benefits of antioxidants: They can help prevent deterioration in the body, prevent the brain from deteriorating quickly, prevent short-term memory loss, help increase the number of nerve cells in the hippocampus, which is directly responsible for memory, and also helps nourish the nervous system in terms of vision. And green leafy vegetables are foods that contain folic acid, which contains substances that help nourish the brain and help control emotions to be in a normal state.

4. Lecithin

When the body receives lecithin, it changes into a substance called “choline”. And choline is synthesized by nerve cells called “acetylcholine”. It is found in large amounts in chicken eggs. And is an essential nutrient for the production of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. In addition to chicken eggs, it is also found in soybeans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and yellow corn.

Benefits of choline: It plays an important role in the development of brain function and memory.

In addition, drinking enough “plain water” also helps the cells in the body, including brain cells, to work more efficiently. Because every cell in the body requires water, plus 3 out of 4 of the human brain is composed of water. Therefore, plain water is important and should not be overlooked. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses a day.